极光安卓apk The LISE (short for List It Special Edition) module by JoMorg allows you to create lists that you can display throughout your website. A versatile module that you really have to try and see its many options! 
Tips, tricks and tutorials to make it even easier to work with CMS Made Simple. CMSMS is an open source Content Management System. It provides website developers with a simple, easy to use utility to allow building websites. Redirect all incoming URL's to the correct canonical URL There are multiple URL's to open a page at your website, this might have a bad influence at your SEO status and Analytics results. Very simple solution to protect some content with a password In this tutorial Velden will show you a way to implement a poor man's solution to protect some content with a password. It will display a simple form to enter a password and press a submit button to get access to protect content. Embed YouTube video via a cookieless domain Since the EU Cookie Law and the new General Data Protection Regulation law the use of (tracking) cookies is controversial. You need a cookie consent feature when embedding YouTube videos at your website to comply with these laws... Loading static content from a cookieless subdomain Minimize your HTTP requests generating your CMS Made Simple-powered website by loading static content from a cookieless subdomain.
Tips, tricks and tutorials to make it even easier to work with CMS Made Simple. CMSMS is an open source Content Management System. It provides website developers with a simple, easy to use utility to allow building websites. Redirect all incoming URL's to the correct canonical URL There are multiple URL's to open a page at your website, this might have a bad influence at your SEO status and Analytics results. Very simple solution to protect some content with a password In this tutorial Velden will show you a way to implement a poor man's solution to protect some content with a password. It will display a simple form to enter a password and press a submit button to get access to protect content. Embed YouTube video via a cookieless domain Since the EU Cookie Law and the new General Data Protection Regulation law the use of (tracking) cookies is controversial. You need a cookie consent feature when embedding YouTube videos at your website to comply with these laws... Loading static content from a cookieless subdomain Minimize your HTTP requests generating your CMS Made Simple-powered website by loading static content from a cookieless subdomain.
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